
Better to be in Baba's Consciousness than in ours

It is but human nature to always worry about what others might think of them. We wish to see that people all around should think of us in a positive manner. It is justified to some extent. But, as long as our deeds are good and noble, it is absolutely not necessary to either worry about the views of others or get pained by their hurtful comments. 

The weeds in the crop spoil the very crop itself. Likewise, the feelings of hatred and ego will spoil our very existence. The darkness of ego is more darker than natural darkness. To assume that we know everything is like staying in perpetual darkness. There is a nice way to get rid of that darkness and suffering. That is to stop thinking of our own self and start thinking on Baba again and again, through which medium it would become easier to come into light. Causes of fear like inhibitions and cowardice would just vanish, duly replaced by faith in Baba. Then, we can bring into light those who were caught in similar dark chambers. If we offer all our thoughts to the Merciful Baba, we can surely be freed from turmoil and forgetting ourselves, we can attain a state of serene joy. All troubles and tears arise only when we get attached to our physical body. When we shed 'body-consciousness' and get into the Kingdom of 'Divine Consciousness', Baba is visible in every being. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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