
Gathering of Like-Minded Good Souls is not Common but should be Cultivated like a Garden

Gathering of Like-Minded Good Souls is not Common but should be Cultivated like a Garden

An association is a get-together of people. Generally a person intends to tread a path trodden by the most. If one is among the good, he will naturally select the right path and thereby reap good results. So, one needs sincere practice and the association of spiritually charged souls. This should be cultivated like a garden. Time and again, it should be watered, weeds uprooted and plants protected. Hence, we all must assemble, listen to and contemplate on the God-Guru Sai and keep assimilating and applying His teachings and emulate His life of love and good deeds.

Listening of the stories of God is an spiritual practice. Valmiki's "Ramayana" and Vyasa's "Bhagavatham" were propagated by his learned disciples throughout this vast country. Thus, even the illiterate masses are familiar with the philosophical truths, epics and right conduct. By listening to such great ideas and getting our hearts purified, devotion and dedication would grow like healthy plants. So, once in a week we should invite our neighbours and make them listen to stories of God's love, do arathi to Sai's idol, pray and sing bhajans, offer food and share it with one and all. The company of such noble souls alone will be our flowery path to reach Sainath Maharaj.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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