
Honour to Our Work, Happiness in Doing It

Honour to Our Work, Happiness in Doing It

God is the embodiment of Truth. With His creative power He would often coat the sandal paste of love to our objectives and make our lives happy. For those people who are blessed by His grace, every small matter looks wonderful. The world appears very beautiful. Whatever is looked at would appear to be the love-miracle of God. Every move and word gets charged with God's Spirit-Power. In that state, concentration is more on the objective and utility of the work but not on its magnitude. When a work is taken as a ritual or done under compulsion or done without any spirit, the zeal will decrease. Fatigue takes its grip over us.

Be it in simple works like cooking, washing, nurturing and upbringing children and cleaning the streets, we should be able to see greatness in every work. While doing it, enthusiasm should flood our minds. When we do it so, we work with greater efficiency. It is talent. For this, we need the energizing, inspiring, motivating force that drives us into action. And it is life force. It is the consciousness of soul of is the form of Baba as the Universal Soul. If such soul consciousness be with us, every work will be glorious. Life, like a sweet song will hum along. Nothing looks lifeless. Everything is animated by the Spirit-Force. All our efforts will be crowned with success and glory.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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