
Sainath - A Great Inspiration to the Youth

Sainath - A Great Inspiration to the Youth

Youth is the future of any country or nation. When the youth are on the right path, the nation or country will attain the pinnacle of prosperity. But the present-day youth are accustomed to modern life style and are totally engaged in earning money. Addicted to carnal pleasures, the youth spurn the Almighty God. Added to this, the mind-polluting conditions are corrupting the minds of youth and the worldly temptations are morally pulling them down from the right path. Selfish people would not mind harming the society and nation to any extent.

Youth is the right time for developing a good personality. Seeds of spirituality must be sown in the minds of the youth. Spirituality does not mean relinquishing the physical world or wealth. It is enough to follow the practically feasible Sainath's teachings. Baba did not insist on following stringent rules, but explained certain universal principles acceptable to the entire mankind. Values like speaking truth, not eying on others wealth, not arguing, being merciful to all beings, not blaming others, commitment to one's work and patience to complete a work, hold good to all irrespective of their religion. On following them, success is ensured in this physical world. In fact, they are per-requisites to spiritual progress. So, today's youth need the guiding light of Sai Philosophy.

|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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