
Steady in Youth, Lively in Old Age

Steady in Youth, Lively in Old Age 

 Human life is like a fast running brook. In order to make the journey of life meaningful, we have to plan for it. Childhood should be devoted to studies. What is the purpose of life? What can be obtained through knowledge? One should question one's own self and get answers from the experience and sage advice of elders. In youth, emotion and excitement are common. But moving ahead by careful thinking and in the light of experience taking every step gained is the mark of the wise.
One who has faith and devotion to God should control the unruly emotions of youth and cultivate an idealistic view of life. For this, one should be keen while in youth, in gathering the lessons of wisdom learnt by the aged and the experienced. In the prime of youth, Baba was able to sit for hours in meditation under the neem tree in Shirdi. He was able to command the nature. Youth will vanish in no time and old age takes possession of the body. Old age is marked by weakness, apathy and inactiveness. To the one in constant meditation, old age may affect the body but not the mind. Unmindful of ageing body, Baba happily mingled and played with children. Even in old age, one who has a serene mind, stout heart, love for God and concern for the society will exude the vibrant spirit of youth and engages in serving the society as if it were service to God.

|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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