
Total Surrender to Sainath

Total Surrender to Sainath  

All human beings are the beautiful flowers raised in the garden of God. He is their Protector. Baba used to tell that He incarnated on the Earth to promote our material and spiritual well-being. Hence, whatever actions or duties we perform, they should be offered to Baba in word, spirit and deed. This is known as complete surrender. Every minute we need to meditate on Baba in our heart. If we could put into practice Baba's words, He would definitely make a place for us in His heart. We have to believe in Baba as our everything and live in His Light.

On one occasion, a Swami from Alandi approached Baba with a severe ear-ache and sought His blessings. In spite of undergoing an operation, he found no relief. Baba blessed him assuring, "Allah Achha karega", that 'God would cure him'. Keeping faith in Baba's words, he returned to Pune and within a week the pain miraculously cured. It is all due to his complete surrender and faith that his ear -ache vanished by the Grace of Baba. Whatever work we do, we should think of Baba and feel that it is Baba who works through us. There should be no feeling of "I" or "mine", except a conscious feeling that it is done as per His Will. Then, there is no possibility of making a mistake. Moreover, the ego sense that, "I am doing" would get erased. We have to seek His protection by our total surrender to Him.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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