
Upon Pleading, Baba Solves All Our Problems

It is an easiest task for Baba to give answers for all our questions and solve our problems. But, we would seek Baba's shelter only when problems and adversities engulf us. Baba creates problems with an intention to dispel our ignorance and erase our ego which prides itself that it alone could solve problems and boasts, "on my own I could solve the problems". It is Baba, who causes our ego to surrender to His Feet, helps solve our problems. God draws us into the whirl-pool of worldly problems to remind us to rely on Him and that we need His Grace to get pulled out of the trap of problems and troubles.

Baba, the Divine One, can solve our problems the moment we pray to Him. The human nature is bound by three characteristics viz, Satva, Rajo and Tamas. Of the three, Rajo Guna implies a sense of pride and arrogance which, doubts and belittles the existence and Almightiness of God. This leads to several problems. At times our arrogance and own convictions would prevent us from recognizing God. We strive and struggle priding ourselves upon our skills; but, then, we fail and regret. Once we turn to Baba and seek His help, Baba helps us solve our problems by the Power of His Grace. Baba answers our earnest prayers if we look to Him in fervent faith. Baba walks with us like an Unfailing Friend. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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