
Our Hearts Should Brim With Love For God

God is the Embodiment of Love. The noble teachers and kings who were born with the spark of divine power have made efforts to protect righteousness and spread the feeling of oneness among the humans. When need arises, God incarnates on the earth in the human form. One such divine incarnation is Shirdi Sai, who can break all shackles and liberate His devotees.

Baba used to teach that not only we must love our fellow-beings but also all living beings. He always addressed people very affectionately as 'brother', 'mother' and 'sister'. Baba would say that if one is unable to give charity, he should say it politely. Thus, Baba would bind the hearts of devotees with His philosophy of love to see that people are bound by friendship and mutual kinship. Baba gets wild if any one interferes when a devotee was serving Him. They used to gather all the offerings of devotees and used to dine with Baba with great relish. While offering food to all His children, He used to share His nectarine love. Those who adore Baba as their Mentor and God would live as one family in love and joy. Not only then, but even now the hearts that are filled with devotion for Baba are overflowing with love. The consciousness of Baba will fill the hearts and all those who have faith in Baba will get redoubled love and happiness from Him as His gift. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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