
Whatever Happens, Good or Bad, it's Baba's Will

It is not so easy to understand the deeds of God. But one thing is certain. There is some inner meaning in whatever God does. He will always do good to His devotee-children who trust in Him. The adage that nothing shall occur except as God wills is, indeed, true. Although, we feel that certain incidents are likely to harm us, in fact, they turn out to be good for us. Sometimes the punishment given by Baba is only to perfectly train us, but not to persecute us. Just as gold cannot glitter if not burnt in fire, so also we cannot acquire spiritual wisdom unless we pass the tests and trials of life.

Nothing will ever happen in our lives which is not destined to happen. We must remember that whatever happens is for our own good and meant to shape our destiny. We go through sorrows and sufferings as God wants us to set right our wrongs, cleanse our sins and make us worthy of merging into God. A devotee feels perplexed when his scooter stops abruptly at a deserted place. He wonders, "why did Baba trouble me thus"? When he noticed boulders rolling down the hill and blocking the road, he realized how Baba saved his and his family's lives by stopping his scooter. His grateful heart thanked Baba for saving him from death. Both tears and smiles, joys and sorrows are for our good, as long as Baba showers His Grace on us.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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