
One can enjoy Perfect Health by Baba's Grace

It is said that the lives of theists are devoid of any problems. Sometimes, in spite of the faith in God, one may face hardships as a result of the accumulated sins committed in the past. But, we can understand the acts of God only by firm faith. In fact, 'adversity' provides an opportunity to come more closer to God. While some problems disturb the mind, others harm the body in the form of disease. If you think, "Baba's blessings are there, why should I fear" and sincerely offer prayers, you will be blessed with good health in return. Baba kept the mentally disturbed Nulkar in Macchindraghad and blessed him with the much sought solace. Tumours on the body, plague and other chronic diseases were cured by Baba's sacred ash.

It is no ordinary boon to be in the presence of Baba. For this, a devotee's heart must be soaked in devotion. The minor irritants are only tests that Baba conducts to mend our ways and turn His believers as ardent devotees. With little provocations Baba will scare obedient devotees. Won't children run to the mother and embrace her in fear? Likewise, when devotees seek shelter at Baba's feet, He would hug them, drive their fears away and gives them good health. Hence, the feeling of 'I' should be given up and all our burdens must be placed on His shoulders. Baba, the Compassionate Mother, grants us everlasting peace and joy.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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