
Purposeless Life is a Sheer Waste

Man is engaged in one work or the other. We work through our bodies and exercise our tongues and minds. These are triple instruments. It is the harmonious blending of one's thoughts, words and deeds (trikarana shuddhi) that ensures one's success. A thought arises in the mind to sing bhajan in praise of God. We communicate the thought by saying that we want to do bhajan. Then, by clapping both the palms and remembering Baba, we sing Bhajans. Any act devoid of triple purity cannot achieve success. Our eyes may see and ears hear but without any interest or attention. God blessed us with human birth not to sit and idle away our time. We must work, but without expectation of the fruit of our effort. Every good work we do should be offered to God as our body is an instrument gifted by God to us. Hence we cannot claim the fruit of our effort. We must thus think and serve God as His instruments.

The ladle we use in making a sweet does not know the taste of the sweet as it is just an instrument. We are like the ladle in the Hand of Baba. Let Baba handle us - we the ladles as He Wills. It is the mental renunciation of the fruit of action. God never wants us to shun work, but work we must as His tools. When we do not look for the effects of work, sin and merit do not touch us. We realize our self and get self-liberated.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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