
Sai Love-Consciousness

Baba is Omnipresent. His Supreme Spirit fills every inch of the Universe. To
understand this thought, we need to contemplate on it. Contemplation is but a thought or a feeling. It is constantly pondering over it and trying to apply the essence of the thought to our day-to-day living. Then, it turns into a habit. Later, it continues without effort. Finally, it becomes a part and parcel of us. In other words, the thought and our mind become inseparably one. To be more precise, the very thought and the thinker get infused into one. Instead of feeling it, we become the very experience of itself. It is the metamorphosis of thought getting transformed into the experience of thought. Cumin cured in lemonade will become cured cumin. Then the lemon and cumin become one. So does the Sai philosophy which will be the lemon in which the devotee gets immersed, cured and absorbed. The one immersed in Sai's Love will install Sai in one's temple of soul very much like the cumin. The devotee will gradually, during the process of spreading Sai's Love in the surroundings, get absorbed into the Infinite Absolute Reality. Sai's philosophy would get mingled in every atom of one's very being. Then, one sheds one's ego and gets dissolved in Baba's devotion. Thus, the true meaning of Baba's message is "those who trust in Me will surely reach Me".

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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