
Baba, in Everything and Everywhere in Nature

When we look at nature, varieties of trees, mountains, multi-hued, fragrant flowers wafting perfume, tasty fruits, a host of song birds, animals, brooks, rainbows, and a plethora of pleasant sights greet us. What is the basis and who created them all? Who has taught the parrot to mutter sweet words, songs to a cuckoo and dance to a peacock? This wondrous creation bears an eloquent testimony to the creative genius of God. He pervades every atom of the Universe. Our minds enveloped in the darkness are unable to sense the Power of the Celestial Artist who drew the picture of the visible, marvellous creation on the canvas of the nature. God incarnates in the human form in order to dispel the darkness of ignorance in mankind and to light wisdom. Baba is the Heavenly Father in human form.

Is it not foolishness not to have developed a rock-like faith in Baba after reading Sai Satcharitra, a story of His mind-boggling miracles blessed to thousands of devotees. On a number of occasions Baba proved that He would be hurt or harmed if any living being is tortured or Mother Nature is polluted. With deep love for Baba welling up in our hearts, let us behold the Presence of Baba in every inch of Nature and let us serve Baba visible in every living being. This is the highest practice of sensing the Omnipresence of Baba, the fulfillment of human birth.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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