
Nine modes of Devotion - Remembering Sai

The devotion of remembering is manifested in recalling God, in Form, Body and Name by fixing our mind on Sai. It is several times a greater devotion to remember Sai, who is beyond name, form, quality, feeling or nature and to fill our minds with Sai Love and recall His noble deeds. Remembering Sai before we start any work, to remain in his thought as long as we do the work, to see Sai in every particle and feel His presence in every moment are also an integral part of the sadhana of remembering Sai, the Abode of Supreme Mercy. Indeed, with great love for Sai, helping every being in trouble as if it were a service to Sai, giving support and dedicating the result of such actions to Sai would be a pure form of remembering Sai.

Mhalsapathy, an ardent devotee of Khandoba, had been in the service of Sai Baba and was blessed to be in His thoughts. He left his ancestral occupation and dedicated himself to the service of Sai. Saying "Welcome Sai". Mhalsapathy, the priest, with deep devotion invited Sai, who came as a Fakir. He is a jewel among the devotees for he kept Sai's head on his lap with courage and patience when Baba withdrew the life-force from His body for seventy two hours. He is a blessed soul to live in the thoughts of Baba. Let us constantly remember and rejoice in the Presence of Sainath and get gloriously blessed by Baba's grace.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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