
Nine Modes of Devotion-Ritualistic Worship of Sai

Archana of Sai, means ritualistic worship of Sai. It means worshipping the idol or photo of Sai with articles of worship. The ritual of devotion is offering service with loving care and sincerity to Sai, viewing and respecting everything as Sai, understanding His philosophy and being whole-heartedly happy with love. The external form of worshipping Baba includes performing the ritual with leaf, flower and other sacred articles earned by lawful means and serving the sick and needy. By this mode of worship, one develops immense love for Sai in one's own mind and instills the same love for Baba in others.

When Meghashyama came to Sai, he was transformed and identified Baba with Lord Shiva and worshipped Him accordingly. On one auspicious occasion, Megha wanted to give holy ablution with Ganges water to Baba and obtained His permission. He walked a long distance and fetched the water from the river. Baba said "sprinkle water on my head and the bath is taken". He poured water on Baba's entire body, ecstatically shouting "Hara Hara Gange". Amazingly, only Baba's head got wet. Megha was puzzled. His ego was humbled by the turn of event and he bowed to Baba's Will. We should, therefore immerse ourselves in Sai's devotion to our best ability.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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