
Do not Spurn People asking for Alms

We have to protect this God-gifted body for performing righteous duties. Thus, it is the duty of a house-holder to give something, without saying 'no', to whosoever asks. By giving alms to the beggars, our sins get absolved. Thus, it is a truth that receivers do good to the donors by accepting alms. Baba used to explain everyone to donate as much as possible. We might not have enough resources to donate to whoever asks for something. In such a case we have to express our inability in a polite manner.

One day a beggar woman came to the house of Nana Chandorkar. She was not satisfied with what was given to her as alms and she pestered the house-holder for more. She was not convinced even after repeated explanations. Nana lost his temper and angrily shouted at her to 'be content with what is given or else I will neck you out'. Baba who is present everywhere is aware of every happening in the world. When Nana came to Shirdi, after some days, Baba pretended anger saying, 'what have I to do with one who does not listen to My words'. Baba used to feign anger only to make His devotees move on the right path and He never approved a devotee to criticize or abuse a person. He used to inculcate the spirit of helping everyone and to groom good manners. When our hearts are filled with the spirit of service, God showers His blessings on us.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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