
God Dwells Wherever Unity Prevails

Happiness lies in unity and living together. When human beings live together without any factions or hatred, the mercy of God will be showered on us. God dwells where people co-exist in peace and amity and grants us mighty strength to help each other in a spirit of universal brotherhood. We should know that strength lies in unity and Baba is the power of unity. In order to sense the Presence of God within us, we must work together in absolute faith, unquestioning obedience and fervent love. There is no room for competition in spiritual practices. In the strength of unity, every heart is filled with love for the Divinity. A sense of oneness is felt. When once we experience consciousness of oneness, we behold our Beloved Baba in All.

One need not impress upon the fact that God exists not only in the idol of a temple but in the hearts of everyone. But, this is easier said than done. Acknowledging God in every one results in our being in the Presence of God. The core meaning of Lord Sri Krishna appearing to each one of the cow-herd women as Krishna is a result of this tendency in particular and nothing else. Let us pray to Baba to help us in making all of us stand by one word and move on one path to reach Him. Let us join our hands and walk on the path of Baba. Let us live together in unity and reach the Feet of Sainath. 
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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