
Only by Ardent wish we get Spiritual Bliss

Ego and arrogance will lead to the fall of a man. If we seek refuge in God with confessions, even the most heinous crimes will be burnt to ashes. True confession means repenting for the sins done earlier and resolving not to repeat them. God knows a sincere heart. Those who regret sincerely will be much disturbed with their sins, seek Baba's shelter and beg for the spiritual alms. Then, their sins get destroyed in the divine contemplation and the earnest souls receive the grace of God. The Almighty will illumine them with right thoughts.

Some deceptive people claim themselves to be the paragons of moral values and ethical conduct and assume inwardly that they are the ideal men. They think that their crimes are not so big and need not take refuge at the Feet of Baba. Such people who feign honesty and pray to God to destroy the incidental sins will not be graced by Baba and are never allowed near. Since their minds are bloated with ego and pride, they will either be in a mood to receive what Baba wants to give or try to understand and apply Baba's teachings for their good. Thus, Baba did not permit the arrogant inside Dwarakamayi. Only when their minds get purified by sincere repentance, Baba would permit them into His darbar. So, upon our ardent longing to belong to Baba only, we are assured of living in His Presence.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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