
Weakness can be Overcome when Divine Support is Coupled with Determination

Every individual possesses a combination of some good and bad qualities. We must try to get rid of negative qualities and attempt to cultivate noble ones. It is a common experience that we all face both favourable and adverse times. God has given freedom to us to either choose a good environment and strive to cultivate good qualities or yield to temptations. Baba leaves the choice to us whether we swim against the fury of the water current or glide along the smooth current. Our minds get fortified if we choose the right path and walk on it. When we tread the right path, Baba empowers our minds to live boldly and gladly. Even Baba energizes us with His Spirit-Power.

We will surely get the due returns to our firm faith, right frame of thoughts and discipline. One who swims against the powerful current with iron will and faith in God will certainly reach the destination. Baba, God Incarnate, moulds our characters, fills our souls with His Holy Spirit, enthuses and shapes our destinies for good. Just as ebb and flow and whirlwinds are unavoidable in an ocean, troubles and problems are quite common in life. To overcome all these factors with determination and courage, the four-lettered miraculous word, "BABA" is enough to eliminate our weaknesses.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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