
God is the Infinite One

God assumes countless forms to take care of His Creation. God, as the sun, showers His light in the day and appears as the moon in the night and soothes us by his cool moon-beams. Likewise, God incarnated in many forms to set mankind on the path of righteousness. God descended to Shirdi in the human form to teach universality of religions, the brotherhood of mankind and by the Power of His Divine Light, Baba drew many a lost sheep into His Love-Fold and laid the foundation for the moral re-construction of man. Our lives get blessed as we adore the incarnations of God. Gangagir, a saint, first proclaimed, when he saw Sai as 'Blessed is Shirdi. It got the precious jewel'.
A mystic of Indian state, Syed Jalaluddin pointed his finger at the sun and asked Ganashyama to see his Guru in the sun. To his utter delight, he could see Sainath in the orb of the sun. Sri Rama Maruthi Maharaj adored Baba as his Guru and as big brother. When Santhavan Maharaj was about to commit suicide as he could not progress in his spiritual practice, Baba averted his suicide and enlightened him. Saint Vasudeva Swamy adored Baba as his elder brother and sent a coconut offering through Pundalika Rao to Sainath. The Omnipresent God, thus, assumes many forms to guide and put His erring children on the divine path to righteous and joyous living. 
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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