
I am the lamp lit by Your Love

We are not self-luminous. Only when we become true devotees does the light within us manifests. It is the glow of God's light. It appears as if the wick in the oil lamp that burns sheds light. But it is the wick dipped in oil that causes it to burn brighter. As long as the wick is dipped in the oil, it sheds light and dispels darkness. Darkness is ignorance. The wick of lamp remains in darkness when there is no oil. When the oil of Baba's mercy is added to the wick that a human being is, that illumined mind drives out the illusion of ignorance. Of what use sheer human effort without the Divine Grace of Baba?
The light in us may be put out early and our life may be in vain if we try to glow without God's Grace. We are bound to succeed in any work we undertake if we but remember Sai. Our life-wick must always stay dipped in the oil of Sai Grace. Just as the wick dipped in the oil will burn brighter, shed light to all corners, our lives, deeply engrossed in the oil of God's Grace-Power will shine as Light of Wisdom. We must pray to Baba, the Universal Teacher, to turn the lamp of our soul towards the Lord of Light. We must beg Baba to dip our life-wicks in the oil of Baba's Grace so that our lives are illumined. The light that shines in our body-temple is none other than Baba. This is a profound lesson in wisdom that an oil-lamp teaches us. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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