
Ring out the old and Ring in the New

O, Lord Sainath! I prostrate at Your Feet and reverentially salute You. Like the light of moon and stars, You have guided me. You have filled our lives with Your Wisdom-Light, which drives away, like the dawn, darkness. You have made us realize that every atom in the Universe is pervaded by You. Your Divine Name 'Sai' lit the dark sea of life on whose rough waters we are being swept away by the ego-bloated feelings of 'I' and 'mine'.

My heart is filled with delight at the very thought that all are mine and everyone is a member of the Universal Sai family. My life, like a river over-flowing with joy, rushes to mingle with You, the Infinite Cosmic Ocean of Wisdom. Every day passes in remembering You. In every thought I delight in beholding Your Unique Form of Divinity and Felicity. In every moment, my mind experiences ecstatic delight which defies description. Baba! we see You walking before us in every moment. How fortunate we are that we walk in the cool shade of Your Feet. One year passed by, divinely, happily and gloriously in this journey of life. Please, let us dwell in Your serene presence, meditate on You at all times and seek Your blessings and follow in Your foot-steps in the New Year too. Pray, bless us, guide us as the Father, Mother, Mentor and as Everything for us to reach Your Warm Abode of Ever-New Joy, Solace, Grace and Peace.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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