
Seeds sown Today Bear the Fruits Tomorrow

Time is very precious in the life of man. Time lost cannot be regained. But, the time
spent in the service of God shall be everlasting. Whatever we do in His service or offer will be very little, since God has bestowed us the greatest gift of life. Whatever we do to get His blessings is very meagre. We have to sacrifice our everything to Him, who has provided us this human life just as a tree that yields all its fruits and flowers to the gardener. God grants us lavishly in return for what we offer to Him in the form of body, heart and money, which, indeed are the gifts of Baba, our God. It is God alone who gives us the ultimate result and realizing this secret is like grasping the essence of life.
Just as we plough, till and fertilize the soil before we sow the seeds and water it in order to get good yield, so also by sowing the seed of devotion in the heart and rendering selfless service, one reaps the rich spiritual harvest. We should not, therefore, waste time or procrastinate to start the service of Baba. Even a slight delay may distance us from dedication and salvation. Even this temporary life might simply fizzle out. The time spent in the service of fellow human beings with true devotion to Baba, is the actual time that we have lived. It is very difficult to take human birth. Wisdom lies in making the present life meaningful in the service of humanity.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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