
Self-liberation Assured By the Grace of God And Not By Our Efforts Alone

It is a wrong notion to conclude that salvation is possible by mere worship and performance of rituals and penance. To reach the roof-top of a building, we climb the stair-case step by step. In fact, we cannot jump on to the top. Likewise, celebration of religious ceremonies and festivals, rites and rituals are the different means of attaining salvation. All these practices qualify us to deserve the Divine Grace, which alone can crown our sadhana with success. To presume that we alone serve and worship God in a superior manner is a mark of spiritual ignorance and pride. Baba, God Incarnate, dwelt in Shirdi to show us the path and lead us with His Hand to ultimately reach Him. Baba Himself stressed several times "give up ego and shun arrogance".

The road to self-liberation lies in rendering selfless service feeling the Presence of Sai in All and the service so rendered is to His Feet. Self-liberation is the gift Baba presents us in appreciation of our altruistic service for All, with love for the Almighty One. It liberates us from the vice-like grip of the worldly bonds. Not mere human efforts, but Baba's Grace alone can guide us reach His Holy Feet, the Abode of Supreme Peace. Let us always remember Sai and rejoice in His Love-Presence.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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