
Water Loses its Identity when Added to Milk

Impressions are embedded in man's mind as seeds. As one 'cultures' one's mind, thought-seeds blossom into flowers of qualities in one's character. Just as each flower is distinct, so also the character of each one of us. But the surroundings and objects influence a man. Water turns saltish when salt is added and water turns syrup when sugar is stirred in it. Likewise, a good-company will lead a person to tread the right path, while the company of the wicked will lead to self-ruin. The company with which one associates will determine one's destiny and direction of life. Wisdom reminds us to keep our children, right from their tender age, under the tutelage of an enlightened teacher
Despite his abject poverty, Sudhama developed a spiritual bent of mind for Lord Krishna and Sudhama was blessed to prosper in life. One should cultivate good habits, good thoughts and seek the company of good souls to live uprightly in order to reach God who dwells in every heart. We learn lessons in good conduct, first from our mother and later in the company of the good. Water loses its identity when added to milk and it becomes impossible to separate both. Likewise, by mingling with the good souls, one becomes a noble soul and many are inspired to emulate the person. Let us grasp the enlightening philosophy of Sai and practice His teachings to make the most of our lives. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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