
Let us Offer it to Baba Before We Partake the Food

We should not partake any item of food before we first offer it to Baba. Usually our mind and intellect will experience these things before the senses. Therefore, by offering them to God, our worldly desires get diminished. Taking food is one of the important daily activities. Ordinary food becomes sanctified by offering it to God. But very few people have the habit of offering food to God before eating it. 

There used to be a fair organized on each Sunday at Shirdi. On one Sunday, Hemadpant visited the fair and returned to masjid. Very surprisingly, edible grains fell from his shirt. Teasingly, Baba said, "this fellow is in the bad habit of eating alone. He has purchased and eaten grains". To this, Hemadpant replied that he neither purchased nor ate them. Baba then questioned him "Before eating anything, are you remembering Me"? Thus, Baba taught us that we should offer anything first to God. If we remember Baba and partake anything, we will be delighted. It is God who creates and sustains us. Whatever we get is because of His grace and kindness. To our Baba, the Sustainer, Protector and Father should be offered everything we acquire. Our humble duty is to offer all that we have and accept what Baba gives us back as sacred.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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