
The Entire Universe is Full of Sai's Glory

It is God who created the entire universe. The universe, indeed, is one family. It is not fair to think "I, my region, and my language". We have to have the feeling that people of the world are our brothers and sisters. People from different places used to come to Baba's darbar. Their traditions and languages were different. But their opinions never differed. They are all the children of Sainath. Together they used to live in happiness by sharing the experiences they had by the love-deeds of Baba. They used to feel that living in Shirdi is like living in heaven.

Sai Baba wants the entire world to live in peace and joy. That is why Baba, when He was alive, inspired some devotees to write about His love-miracles and messages and devoutly sing His glories. Because of Sai's wish, Dasganu became the composer and singer of Sai leelas, glories. It is again Baba who created the desire of writing the story of Sai in the mind of Anna Saheb Dhabolkar. It is none other than Sai who gave the title of Hemadpant to Dhabolkar and made him gather the true experiences of Sai devotees for the compilation of Baba's great biography, which is a gift to the posterity. The word of mouth is audible upto some distance, but the message of a great book can be communicated in different tongues to vast number of people all over the world. Thus, all can reach Baba.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||