
As Body Needs Nourishment, so also the Soul Needs Meditation

The individual soul is part of the Universal Soul. The soul in the body makes it a home and experiences the piled-up sins and merits of past life and finally frees itself from the bondage. Some people deny the presence of soul within their being by showing utmost care and concern only for their bodies. While not neglecting the care of the human body, we must strive to awaken the awareness of the Soul-presence within us. We have to leave behind wealth amassed when we breathe our last. What accompanies us when soul departs from body are the deeds of merit and sin committed when we were alive. Material wealth, name and fame we acquired never help our self-purification.

If we keep aside the need for spirituality and crave for the ephemeral physical needs, what remains is only dissatisfaction. Just as the nutritious food is necessary for body's strength, spiritual nourishment through meditation is as much a necessity. Without physical strength, human body will not last long. So also the pace of spiritual practice gets halted by lack of soul-strength. Daily meditation on the Divine One not only energizes the soul but also rids us of negative thoughts and leads to Self-realization. By regular reading of Sai's teachings, we can put into practice His sayings for our Self-enlightenment. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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