
Everything is Possible With Baba's Help

Baba can help us accomplish a great task in a fraction of time. At times it could take a few hours to make an impossible task possible. But we should not conclude that God does not exist and should not stop our loving devotion to please Baba. Whatever we plead, Baba will never respond as, "nothing or not possible". He gives us an opportunity to discover and tap into our own potential. With complete faith in Baba, we must make our every little effort. In this attempt we understand that Baba is all-powerful and there is no work He cannot accomplish. We must only pray to Him with a pure heart to support our human effort. 

It is with the blessings of Sri Ram that Hanuman could cross the vast ocean, which otherwise was an impossible task. Just by chanting Lord Rama's name, the monkey-army could easily lay a bridge across the great ocean. Likewise, Baba will bridge the two ends of the abyss and help us cross over to safety. This abyss might be in the form of fear, agony or even the sea of worldly life. Nothing is impossible to Baba's Will and He is capable of making the impossible, possible. When Baba is with us, our efforts will be crowned with success. We should not think that a particular work is impossible. Like a shadow, Baba will follow at every step of those who repose faith in Him.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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