
It is Our Sins that Baba Grinds in the Hand-Mill

Any grain would turn into soft flour on grinding it in the hand-mill. Faithful devotees of Baba should turn even softer in His service and in the process should become the dust particles of His Feet. For getting grinded and becoming powdered, we need spiritual practice. Baba used to grind wheat in order to teach His devotees some spiritual truths. 

In the spiritual hand-mill that Baba grinds, the base stone is action, the upper stone is devotion and the handle is wisdom. Desires should be uprooted before we attain wisdom and self-realization. The three qualities, viz., Satva, Rajo, Tamas that exist in nature, cling to the human mind. The greatest of the three qualities, Satva or soft and serene nature, gets strengthened with the death of ego.

What Baba used to grind in the hand-mill was wheat in the form of arrogance, sins, grief and troubles of devotees. The testimony to this fact is that Baba asked the women to spill the wheat flour on the outskirts of the village to eradicate cholera. More over, the humans, like grains, who hold fast to the handle of the hand-mill, will not be pressed between Karma and Bhakti. Hence, they are not caught in the cycle of birth and death. Those who firmly hold the handle of wisdom and stay nearer to the central pin can experience God. We get liberation as all our sins get grinded at the hands of Baba.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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