
Let's Pray to Baba, be Blessed in His Divine light

It is impossible for human beings like us to completely understand God, the Omnipresent, Omnipotent and the Master of Time. It might not be feasible to see Him or listen to His words. But the occasions that confirm God's presence are many, as "He is found wherever we search for Him". The electrical power that we very often use in our daily life is not visible to the naked eyes. Just because of its invisibility if we say that electricity does not exist, we miss its utility. To know its existence, we should press the right switch which allows the flow of electricity. The power of energy will reach us in the form of light, fire, sound or picture.

Likewise, to feel the presence of God dwelling everywhere, there is a switch called 'prayer'. If we press the switch of prayer, our mind gets lighted. The All-Pervading God sheds His light on the hearts that pray to Him. It is God who illuminates our intellect. It is enough, if we remember the truth and pray to Baba, the Ocean of Ever-New Bliss. He would make our life spiritually enlightened. 

The proper arrangement of positive and negative wires provide the light. There is no use of pressing the switch when the concealed wires are not properly set. Therefore, throughout the process of prayer, our hearts and mind should be enveloped by the Divine Love. Only then, our life becomes brighter with the blessings of Baba. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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