
Those who cannot Render Social Service can Help those who Serve Others

Man always wants to live in happiness in whichever state he is placed. To experience such happiness, man should search for God and not for mere food or clothing. But, where does God dwell? It is told that the place of worship of the devotee is God's Abode. Indeed, God dwells in the hearts of those who love Him. Self-realized people have to offer themselves at the altar of God by serving people around them. Serving the needy among the society is indeed serving the Divinity. 

God comes to the rescue of the people in the form of fellow human beings. God makes use of us as His instruments to fulfill His Will of helping the needy. However, every one of us may not have the capacity to determine the path that leads to God-realization. Yet, we need not despair. There are several means of rendering social service. We could help the weak and the helpless within our capacity. To a dedicated social worker, help and support can be given either in cash or kind or by labour. If we plant a tiny seed, it grows into a big tree, gives shelter and satisfies the hunger of many. 

Same is the case with our service to the society. Likewise, if we render selfless and whole-hearted service to the best of our ability, we will become worthy of enjoying Baba's boundless grace. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||