
Cast Your Burdens on Baba and Stay Cool

In a family life, we are surrounded by several responsibilities, face hardships, problems and pains. How can one keep one's mind on God with mind rocked and swayed by tensions and worries? This very thought worries some. God assures us, 'Entrust all your responsibilities to Me and stay cool. Whatever work you do, stay detached and be an instrument only'. What is the meaning of being an instrument? The doer must think that he is only a tool in the hands of God and it is God who executes all things through him to fulfill His purpose. If we think that we are instruments in the Hands of God, strive and struggle and surrender to Him, God will hug us to His heart and be our guide.

God is easily accessible to His devotees. When you are caught in the whirlpool of troubles, a fervent call 'Baba' would stir and melt His heart and He comes running to help you. The communion with God, which is full of love and wisdom, will fill our hearts with peace, happiness, love and patience. If a faithful devotee casts his burdens and responsibilities on Baba, He will stand by him, provide refuge and bless the devotee with a worry-free life. Likewise, several devotees got rid of their diseases and got their burdens lightened when they surrendered themselves to Baba's care. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|| Om Sai Ram ||

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