
Mother is the First Teacher

Motherhood is a great boon. Mother is, in fact, our first God. It is the responsibility of mother to discipline and shape the personality of the child. One should not undervalue the importance of child upbringing by saying 'nurturing a kid is just a child's play'. Child rearing does not simply mean feeding the baby with milk, changing clothes etc. In fact, bringing up children is a very delicate, difficult task of great responsibility. It is the mother who would teach right thinking and good conduct from the stage of infancy. Since we do not know what is in store for us, we cannot predict the future of kids as to who will turn out to be a celebrity or not. A mother sacrifices a lot by devoting most of her time for the welfare of her children. She would transform her energy into milk and feeds her kids.

Mother is the first teacher to every child. Right from the day when the toddler starts walking, the mother initiates the child into the 'ABC' of good conduct. While feeding the child, with every morsel of food, the mother feeds the mind of the child with such noble thoughts as love of God, respect for the teacher, patriotism, self-sacrifice etc. All great people, who reached heights of honour, were brought up in the larger shade of mother's love. Baba, time and again, stressed that Dwarakamayi is the Divine Mother and upheld mother's love.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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