
Only the Body gets Aged, not the Mind

Old age is the last phase of life. It is another stage of childhood. Mind should get mellowed in old age. If one spends the old age with noble ideals, love towards all living beings and devotion to Baba, one can be immensely happy. Thus, the last phase of life can be turned into the best phase. It is unfortunate to consider old age as miserable and gloomy. With the advancing age, we can live happily and get contentment by praying to Baba and singing hymns in praise of His glory. Of what use old age if it is spent, devoid of devotion and urge for self-liberation and without the constant remembrance of Sainath?

Baba starts any work beautifully and accomplishes it with excellence. He will make lives meaningful of those who repose trust in Him. For this, we should give and share true love, affection, intimacy and show more concern in old age, when compared to the concern we had during youth. The conjugal relationship will become perfect only when the couple assist each other in spiritual pursuits during their old age. We should know that the different phases of life gifted by God are equally important. "Not merely adding years to life, but to ably fill life into years". Our duty is to know this truth and then be thankful to Baba who fills sweetness in every second of our life. Old age is not a burden, but a boon to reach Baba. 
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|| Om Sai Ram ||

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