
Love Binds us Live Together

If the universe is a globe, then its focal point is pure and selfless love. Love is, indeed, the basis for not only earning a place at the feet of God but also to live in harmony with every living being of the universe. Love is the Law of Life. We can reach God through several ways and means of devotion. We should never think that we are living in this world with thoughts of God, and, therefore, we alone are only related to God. 

What are we to do with this world? Because God loves us either in the form of a teacher, mother, father or friend, and keeps us on the right track. Having stepped on the right path and moved closer to God, it would be sheer selfishness to neglect and forget worldly duties. The winds blowing over the jasmines will steal the fragrance, store them and provide us the delight of the aroma. Likewise, we have to fill our hearts with God-Love and live in harmony with our neighbours. This is not a difficult task. What we essentially require is to have patience, obedience, love and sympathy. 

If we see the world with eyes embalmed with love, God appears in every being of nature. All are like us. What we think as the best for us, the same should be given to our fellow beings. Love enriches spiritual wisdom and deepens devotion in us. Then, God would be held as a captive in our hearts.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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