
Mind Makes a Hell of Heaven and Vice-Versa

It is the mind which pushes a man down into an abyss or makes him stand on the summit. Hence, we should train the mind to work under the supervision of the intellect. Mind provokes the sense organs with desires. It commands our senses to see a beautiful picture, to savour tastiest sweets, to listen to sweet sounds; and once the desire is fulfilled, it delights. We deem the pleasures as a paradise. Thus, as some desires get fulfilled, new desires spring up. In this mad pursuit of pleasures, one forgets the purpose of life and would not look back doing any sinful act for the fulfillment of his desires. Finally, the mind will make the life of a person sail into darkness in the illusion of paradise and lands in hell. 

Thus, the wise would never wish to lead a life of pleasure. They yearn for troubles. Bearing troubles is, no doubt, painful. We search for light in darkness and so do we seek shelter in God when trapped in troubles. We can get Baba's love. Once we experience that indefinable bliss, every other pleasure appears little and transitory. So, we should put sincere efforts to reach Baba's presence, the Eternal Abode of Peace, which is beyond the bounds of pain and pleasure. That is why we have to bring our wayward minds under control and turn them to behold Bliss-exuding Baba.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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