
My Mortal remains would Speak from the Tomb

While shedding His mortal coil, Baba assured us that, He would not go beyond the frontiers of our mind and that He will shine as the Eternal Light in the temple of our souls, awaken us to His presence and leads us on the right path. The divine concepts and the secrets of the universe which we could not explore in a human form can get unravelled in a state of Samadhi in which the human mind gets attuned to the Universal Mind of Sai. That is why Sainath uttered "from the Tomb (Samadhi)". Time and again, Baba has been proving this by manifesting and speaking wherever one chants His Name, adores His Form and attains a state of Samadhi through meditation. 

Sri Sai said, those who transcend their conscious bodies and attain the yogic trance of Samadhi can behold His Divine Form and listen to His Words. If we attain the Yogic state of Samadhi and get attuned to Baba, He would appear in flesh and blood and delights us with His Assuring Voice. Indeed, blessed is one's life who communicates with Him in that state. One who experiences it will go beyond the mundane limits and remain in a blissful state of perfection and sainthood. Reaching this non-dualistic state is the ultimate phase of self-evolution. By getting engrossed in deep meditation on Sai, several blessed souls even today see Baba's Divine Form. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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