
Spread the Message of God

When we lack the flair and power to grasp the divine words, some noble people will act as mediators between us and the God Supreme. To explain it in our modern scientific terminology, a person makes a telephone call. The telephone operator will connect it to the right person. Imagine, the other person did not answer the call. The operator would try again and again. Even then, if the phone is not lifted, the other person would be at a great loss. Sometimes it would spell disaster. In this way, some great people who are committed to this purpose will teach us the right conduct and techniques of spiritual meditation. They even explain us ways and means to overcome the problems.

All the blessed souls will attempt to preach us spiritual messages. It would be foolish to say, "what have they to teach me"? If someone speaks good words again and again, it is God who communicates the message through that person. It is not a word but a beacon-light to bring us out from darkness. The Merciful God incarnated several times in several human forms on the earth in a bid to put us on the right path. One such move is the manifestation of Sai Baba to put us on the path of righteousness. Therefore, we have to spread the divine message to one and all. Every effort of ours to keep mankind on the right track is also a part of the All-Merciful Sai's service.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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