
Today 27th July 2014 a very important date

I wish to share something important with all of you. Today, 27th July 2014 is a very crucial day for all of us. It is a day mentioned in almost all scriptures & all religions of the world. Today the Sun, the Moon & Jupiter will be together in constellation Karkata (Cancer), and all three will enter simultaneously into the lunar mansion (Pushya)... And at that exact moment the age of Satya, or Krita, will begin. (S'rîmad Bhâgavatam 12.2.22, 24) It is such an important event that it is even stated in the S'rîmad Bhâgavatam.

To explain in brief... this day marks the end of Kal Yuga & the beginning of a 600 glorious period of the Satya Yuga. It is also marked as the day for the emergence of Vishnu's 10th Avatar... Kalki Avatar.

The prediction given in the Srimad Bhagavatam about the appearance of Kalki and the beginning of Satya Yuga or the Golden Age is.... “When the Lord has appeared on Earth as Kalki, the Satya-Yuga will begin, and human society will bring forth progeny in the mode of goodness…When the Moon, the Sun, and Brihaspati (Jupiter) are together in the constellation Karkata(Cancer), and all three enter simultaneously into the lunar mansion Pushya, the Satya Yuga will commence.”

The belief also says... In 2014, a cosmic power described as ‘Kalki Avatar ‘in Hindu scriptures, ‘Mehdi ‘in Muslim scriptures, ‘Rider on White Horse’ in Christian scriptures, and ‘Maitrya’ in Buddhist scriptures would emerge to save humanity. All this would happen before 27th July 2014, when His appearance will be known to all.

So all I wish to convey to all of you is that today happens to be a day of 'Very High Positive Energies In The Cosmos.' It is a day to meditate, chant, do good Karma & soak in as many Powerful Energies as you can from the Lord & the Universe.

I request all of you to spend the day in purity, meditation & good deeds. Make the best of the day.. and I assure you your spiritual growth, your vibrations, your spiritual frequencies, your Healing Powers & your overall energies will benefit & increase manifold today. 

Wishing you a Baba Full Day... Read the Sai Satcharita or any scripture for sure today... at least one chapter. Aum Sai... Baba Bless.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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