
Entrust Your Future to Baba and Delight in His light

We search for the light in darkness. In the light, everything is clearly visible to us. We guide our steps to what is good in the light we see ahead of us. This is how we ordinarily walk on a pathway. We are well aware of the past and we live through the present. We cannot know the future, as we are not seers. God not only knows the future, but knows even the future course of lives of everybody. Hence, we should pray to Baba before we commence any work. One should pray, "Baba! I want to walk on this path. I intend to do this work. I will but abide by Your decision. Please do command me what is fit to be done". We must not get restless or expect an instant reply, but must wait patiently. 

Sometimes, Baba would test our faith. He will not reply. Then with a resolute mind, we should pray to Baba saying, 'the lamp in my hands is little, nothing is visible after every two steps. My wisdom is limited and unless You come and hold my hand, I cannot move further'. Baba is aware of what is going on in our minds. Therefore, if our devotion is sincere and our faith is firm, He will come and hold our hand. The victims of snake bite coming back to life, the sick getting cured, are indeed the miraculous acts of Baba's Divine Love-Grace. Even now if we invoke Baba's mercy, He will lend His helping hand and bless us overcome life's hurdles.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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