
Sai is Everything For us at all Times

By the grace of God, we can get released from the disruptive hold of the five sense organs which disturb the mind. For this, we have to realize the truth that laziness is our major enemy. We should shun it, leave the pleasure of sleep to sleep alone and always stay alert. Which means we must be constantly conscious and ever-aware that 'this is not mine and this is not I'. We have to practice being a 'living witness' to the passing show of life. This is easier said than done. In fact, it is easier though it appears difficult. We should start the practice of focusing the attention on the in-going and out-going life-breath within us. As we become aware of our life-breath, so we can turn ourselves to be a 'witness' to all that happens to us. 

This practice would gradually drive away the feelings like 'you' and 'I'. And as a result, the body consciousness is lost, and 'the illusion of the mind' and its link with the 'doer' of all actions like the one who eats, listens, sees, speaks and touches would come to our grasp. If we practice listening to Sai's Name silently echoing in our every breath, we will slowly realize that our breath is Baba, the Master of our body-house and realize what Sai Love is. 

If we can attend to every work we do, in every moment, in constant remembrance of Sai, our Living God, we can be assured of Sai presence within us whether we are awake or asleep.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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