
Sowing the Seeds of Devotion in Human Hearts

To cultivate something, attempt and effort are very essential. To develop either righteousness in a heart or to grow a plant, we need to put efforts. First, the seed of devotion must be sown in the hearts of men and women. For germination of the seed, we need to remember God, the Sun of Wisdom. The ambrosial waters of Baba's love-messages must be sprinkled on the soil of the heart. It would be enough if the seed of faith sprouts. Great light would dawn into one's life. We wish that everyone develops faith in God by deepening one's devotion. But we neither by grace cultivate in them faith in God nor can we make them turn to Baba and get blessed by His Grace. We may sow a seed and water it, but though it sprouts and puts up leaves and grows, it all depends on the Will of Baba. Yet, we need to make an effort.

We are experiencing great delight because of our devotion to Baba. Blessed by His love, we are able to live in peace and joy. Therefore, we need to pray that even others too should live happily in Baba's Shade. In the process, we should attempt to sow the seeds of devotion in the hearts of upright people. We often talk about Baba to several people. Yet, all might not choose the path of devotion. At least, if some people savour the bliss of God, our efforts are fruitful. Our duty is to put an effort and it will be their good fortune to reap the fruits. It's Baba's Will again.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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