
Baba Expects True Devotion

It is the belief of scores of people that God is not within the human reach. However, Baba, the Eternal Truth-Light, assumed the human form and lived amidst us. As He protected the devotees when He was in human form, He has been, presently, safeguarding them from His Samadhi. Even to-day, there are several devotees who get His holy vision in dreams or listen to His words or being guided by Baba. He dwells in the hearts of devotees who repose faith in Him. For the faithful ones, Baba is an inexhaustible treasure of boons and blessings.

Baba's compassion is boundless. Pure devotion is a pre-requisite to become worthy of His grace. Baba assured that He would not abandon His people who trusted Him. Moreover, Baba blesses those who obey His words. We must always chant His name and know that in this Kaliyuga, only chanting of God's name ensures one's self-liberation. Hence, we should have single-minded devotion for Baba and pray to Him incessantly and fervently. Prayers of sincere devotees are certainly answered by Baba from His Samadhi. He fulfills the legitimate desires of devotees and comforts them in His lap of love. Mere mechanical chanting of Baba's name is not suffice. One must extend a helping hand to the needy and the suffering and love, care and serve all. This is the true devotion Baba expects from us.    


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

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