
Steering a Boat Without a Rudder

In every life there are four stages, viz, childhood, adolescence, youth and old age. After passing through these four stages, one will breathe one's last. Chances of getting one's aspirations strengthened either in childhood or adolescence are bleak. Many aim at achieving a purpose when they are young. How can the boat-man row a boat when the one who rides in the boat fails to make up his mind as to which shore he has to reach? The life of one who has not chosen the goal of his life or the mission to be fulfilled even in the stage of youth will be like a boat without a rudder - aimless and joyless journey.

A kite cannot decide on its own, the time, the height and the direction in which it has to fly. If the one who flies the kite foresees the possible height and distance, it is the force of wind that determines its direction and destination. One can easily achieve one's objective, if God's grace is coupled with one's diligent efforts. If one sets a definite goal with the exercise of God-gifted power of discretion, the mind gets restless to reach it. It looks for a Guru who can guide it on the right path to reach the goal. One can meet such a Perfect Master only by the merit one earned through the good deeds of one's past lives. Sai Baba is such a Perfect Master, Sadguru, who picks an earnest seeker and guides him by His blessed vision.   


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

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