
Sacrifice of One's Life in the Service of Others, it's the Secret of Self-Liberation

A living being is blessed with human birth only once - but it is impermanent. But all religions suggested ways to make human birth everlasting. Helping others is the most important of them and such service is like serving God who lives in all living beings in the form of Satchidananda (Sat - Truth, Chith - Knowledge, Ananda - Bliss). Ignoring the welfare of the society and living only for one's own sake amounts to overlooking God. If one serves the helpless, the needy and the forsaken, such selfless service will lead to salvation. Baba, assumed the human form to teach us how we can, caught in the turbulence of the ocean of worldly life, save our souls by the spirit of rendering selfless service by seeing Sai in one and all.

The human life is like a water bubble and is ephemeral. A man may sow a seed and it grows into a huge tree. So long as the tree yields fruits to the posterity, the man, who planted it, lives in the tree though he is dead. Likewise, the man who donates the organs of his body, before he dies, makes himself immortal in the body of the one who got the organs planted in his body for survival. It is the supreme sacrifice. Baba staked His life to save Tatya who was destined to die and thereby showed that sacrificing one's life to save others is the secret of Self-Liberation.


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

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