
Grace and Faith Equals Liberation

It is true, none will perish who repose faith in Baba and it is equally true that Baba blesses the faithful devotees. When faith and grace are combined, it ensures liberation. It is a state where the devotee and God only exist. To reach this state, faith must flow from the devotee so that God showers His Grace. Concentration is required to stabilize faith. Human mind is very fickle by nature and hence its attention gets distracted. But, when once the mind concentrates on a concept or form, all our sense organs and feelings will get centered around it. 

Once, such power of concentrated attention is attained, no force can distract us. The Omnipotent Baba will activate this state of mind and thereby stabilize our unflinching loyalty to Him. It is a Herculean task to attain self-liberation by our own efforts. Only the Merciful Baba's grace can ensure our self-liberation. Even the most wicked person will become pious and get liberated by faithfully surrendering to the will of the Divine One. Without faith, even a pious person cannot attempt to experience bliss. Let the belief remain strong that the abundant grace of the All-powerful Baba will grant liberation. We should be conscious that Baba grants all that we need. Thus, when our faith in God enjoins with the Omnipresent Baba's Grace, attaining salvation becomes easier.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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