
The greatness of an individual

The greatness of an individual depends on the cultural perfection attained. ‘Culture’ does not connote mere diligence. It means the removal of evil thoughts and propensities, and the promotion of good thoughts and qualities. It is important that young students live a life characterised by peace and self-control so that they will have a peaceful and contented life later as a citizen. Human life is comparable to a tree and the kinsmen of the individual to its branches. On these branches the flowers of thoughts and feelings blossom. 

These flowers gradually develop into fruits of good qualities and virtues. The nectarine juice present in these fruits is character. Without roots and fruits, a tree is mere firewood. Self-confidence is the root of the tree of life and character, its fruit. With the hope that you will all become exemplary citizens, purify your hearts and reform society, I bless you all.

ॐ❤️OM SAI RAM ❤️ॐ


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

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Trust in the Guru

Trust in the Guru fully and wholeheartedly. Leave off all doubts. That is the only Sadhana. Guru is God. Guru is everything. He is your mother, father, well wisher, relative and true friend. Seeing all as Guru is the highest state and he who feels Him in every creature verily becomes Myself.

ॐ❤️🙏 OM SAI RAM 🙏❤️ॐ


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

#sairam #shirdi #saibaba #saideva #shirdisaibaba

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God’s presence is consistent

Embodiments of Divine Love! The Lord pervades everything in the cosmos with His myriad feet, hands, eyes, faces and ears. But not recognizing this fact, people imagine themselves to be the doer and indulge in all kinds of speculation and self-praise. The Lord sees everything. No one can conceal anything from Him. He dwells within and outside every living being. Hence nothing can be hidden from Him. God is present in all beings in one and the same form. Although living beings vary in appearance from each other, God’s presence is consistent. 

The Sun shines over the water in the lake, in a well, in a vessel, in a river or over the ocean - it is reflected in many ways but the Sun is one. So too, God is one and the same in all beings. There is no one in the world nearer to you than the Divine.

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"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"
|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

Tamo-guna (the darkness of ignorance)

In ancient times, sages who performed severe penance to realise the Ultimate Reality, experienced Him and declared that the Supreme Lord is beyond Tamas. This means, to experience the Lord we must get rid of our Tamo-guna (the darkness of ignorance). The Lord is beyond the veil of Tamas. When the veil is removed, the Lord can be seen. If one is filled with Tamo-guna from head to foot, how can they experience God? 

You have a mountain of desires in your heart; you offer a petty coconut to the Lord! Is this love? Is this devotion? No! It is not the way to pray to the Lord. To seek a favour is not prayer at all. On the contrary, the person filled with selfless love will accomplish anything in life, and is ever ready to make any sacrifice. You are God. Get rid of your body consciousness, and you will realise your Divinity. Develop the qualities of love and sacrifice.

❤️️ॐOM SAI RAMॐ❤️


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

Joy and Grief

For every being, life is a series of acceptances and rejections, of joy and grief, benefits and losses. Take everything that happens to you as gifts of grace. Of course, you must act with all the skill and devotion you are capable of. And you must do your duties with as much sincerity as you worship God. Then, leave the result to the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-merciful Lord. Why do you hold yourself responsible for the results? He prompted it, He got it done through you; He will give whatever result He feels He must! Can you store gold in a gold box? No! You store it in a steel or iron safe almirah, isn’t it? So too, understand that the gift of joy comes packed in the rind of grief. Do not pray to God to give you only joy; that will be foolish. Pray for the fortitude to realise that grief and joy are but two sides of the same coin.

 ❤️ॐOM SAI RAMॐ❤️


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

Love is God, God is Love

God permeates the entire universe. God is present in every human being, nay in every living being. The entire creation is the manifestation of Divinity. It is not enough to simply have a human body. As God is present everywhere, in every being, practising human values are considered to be so sacred and important. Hence, you must cultivate the human values of truth (Sathya), righteousness (Dharma), peace (Santhi), love (Prema) and non-violence (Ahimsa). Never tell a lie under any circumstances. If you adhere to truth, righteousness will follow. Where truth and righteousness go together, there peace will be. Where there is peace, there will be love too. There can be no place for violence when there is love. First and foremost, one has to develop love. ‘Love is God, God is Love. Truth is God, God is Truth.’ Truth and Love are verily the embodiments of Divinity.

❤️ॐ OM SAI RAM ॐ❤️

"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

O, Sainath! You Are The Lord Of The Universe, Embodiment Of Truth, Knowledge And Bliss, We Prostrate To Your Feet, Our Divine Master!

O, Infinite Intelligence! You command the elements of Nature to bow to Your Will and get shaped into the vast and variegated Universe. You have no beginning and no end. When the entire Universe was submerged in flood, You lifted it from its embryonic state, caused it to multiply into variegated species. Your created species are being nurtured, sustained, protected by You, getting their tears wiped out and troubles warded off. You, our Father, Mother, Master, will lead us from darkness into Your Light of wisdom. You are the Embodiment of Eternal Truth, Wisdom-Light and Ever-New Delight. 

To establish and continue the noble tradition of the Divine Master (Sadguru), You incarnated on Earth as Dattatreya, the Triple Form of God, born as son to saint Athri and his consort Anasuya. You have appeared as Sripada Vallabha at Kuruvapuram, Sri Nrusimha Saraswathi at Ganugapuram, Manik Prabhu at Maniknagar, Swami Samartha at Akkalkot and as Sri Sai Baba at Shirdi to protect all beings. O, Divine Master! In spite of entering Samadhi, You are the Absolute Reality, guarding us as closely as the eye-lid guards the eye. We prostrate before You, the King of All Kings and Yogi-Christ.

 🙏❤️ॐ🙏OM SAI RAM🙏ॐ❤️🙏


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"