Meaning Of 'OM SAI RAM'

OM (AUM)… Oh my LORD, as in the breath of my life, my savior from all ills, omnipresent, happiness incarnate, YOU who is omniscient and the origin and GOD of all universe

"SAI" can be split into two: "Sa" and "Ai". We have been told that "Sa" means universal father, while "Ai" stands for universal mother. Sathya Sai Baba, our Sai, is our mother and father.

"RAM" can be viewed as a shortening of "Rama". One interpretation of this word is that "Ra" is the Fire Principle, which burns all to ash, while "ma" stands for maya or illusion, so together, they mean the destruction of illusion.

❤️ Bow to Shri Sai & Peace be to all _/\_ ❤️