How Wonderful Human Birth is!

For each individual, a mission in life is fixed by God. Only those who have grasped their objective in life will succeed. Baba used to comment, "There is nothing wrong in failing to accomplish an objective, but having no objective is a blunder". Trees give us the comfort of cool shade, flowers and fruits, without anticipating anything in return from us. Cows yield milk as a mark of gratitude for the fodder we feed them. Selflessly, the clouds shower rain and the rivers share their waters to irrigate the farm lands. On a deeper analysis, we could understand that every creature in this universe, by one way or other, possess the noble quality of sacrifice. It is not justified if we, the humans, blessed as we are with the power of discretion and intellect, live lazily without any sense of direction or mission in life.

Baba loves us as dearly as He loves every living being in the Universe. Our inner voice of the soul would guide us on the right path to successful living once we know the truth that we should fulfil the definite mission in our lives blessed by the Divine Love and Grace of Baba. The power in our hands can carve out a statue from a stone or leave it as a boulder. So, let us not waste our precious life and keep praying to Baba to help us achieve the definite purpose of our life.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|| Om Sai Ram ||

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